Computing and Online Safety

At Shears Green Junior School, we understand the significance of technology in today's rapidly evolving world. We are committed to ensuring that our students are well-prepared to thrive in a technology-driven society. Therefore, we prioritise educating our pupils about the positive, safe, and responsible use of technology. This is achieved through our comprehensive computing and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) sessions throughout the year.

By fostering computational thinking and creativity, we empower our students to actively engage in the digital world. Our goal is to develop their autonomy and independence in using computing technologies, while also instilling confidence and enjoyment in their activities. Our curriculum encompasses three main areas: computer science (including programming and understanding digital systems), information technology (utilising computer systems for storing, retrieving, and sending information), and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and practicing safe and respectful technology use).

As a school, we lead by example in demonstrating how technology can be used positively. Our Head Teacher's weekly podcast and Microsoft Sway newsletter, "The Clipper," showcase the productive use of technology. Additionally, our students utilise online programs such as TT Rockstars, Reading Plus, and Spelling Frame to support their learning in English and Maths. We value the integration of various devices to enhance our students' learning experiences. In addition to our dedicated Computing Suite, each year group has access to a class set of laptops or tablet devices, which are used to support learning across the wider curriculum.